7 Alasan Kenapa Kamu Harus Nonton ‘Descendants of the Sun’

Pecinta kDrama alias Korean Drama saat ini lagi di mabuk cinta melihat kisah antara UN Peacekeeper keren dan Dokter cantik dari ‘Descendants of the Sun’. Drama yang baru memasuki episode 7 (saat tulisan ini dibuat) ini sudah mencuri perhatian pecinta kDrama seluruh dunia, bahkan sejak sebelum ditayangkan! Teaser yang sengaja diperlihatkan sedikit demi sedikit selalu … Continue reading 7 Alasan Kenapa Kamu Harus Nonton ‘Descendants of the Sun’

Child Frozen in Time

Yesterday, I found a wonderful video about Child Frozen in Time. The video is about Brooke Greenberg Shocking Story. Here's the video: Brooke Greenberg Shocking Story I touched so much! That wasn't only about Brooke's life but also her family's. She have a wonderful family who loves her very much. They are not abandoned her … Continue reading Child Frozen in Time